List of every major security breach and data hack, and list of recent PR nightmares
Nobody wants to make this list of cyberattacks and data breaches or a list like this of PR nightmares.
"Businesses’ ill-preparedness for data breaches often stems from apathy. According to data provided by a Hiscox Readiness Report , this apathy is not unique to the U.S. The report revealed that the disregard for cybersecurity was shared in five separate nations — United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. In the same survey of 4,100 organizations, 7 out of 10 admitted that they did not feel prepared for a cyber attack."
Even with the best intentions, stuff happens, and you need the capability to respond effectively.
Who is, 'we'? Well nowadays that's not IT or the business, because in the age of digital organizations, 'IT is the business and the business is IT'. Just as DevOps has joined Development and Operations organizations that formerly had siloed teams, goals, tools, information and practices, today's critical communication situations require one team that spans IT and the business.
And that team cannot just intellectually accept the need for capability, they need real capability, in muscle memory, that is shared and practiced, like firefighters responding to a call.
You can get a leg up on this situation and lead by taking the Critical Communication Capability Foundation® course and examination, or by bringing that course and examination to your organization.
The course helps you develop critical communication capability--your standing/ongoing capability, your capability in your initial responses, all the way through a live critical situation and on through the aftermath. It frames all the things worth managing relative to critical communications capability, helps you understand what their desired state is, and gives you best practices for achieving and maintaining that state.j
The examination helps demonstrate the investment you've made in critical communication capability development, and leads to your being badged with a Critical Communications Capability® Foundation certificate.
Order online for individual self-directed learning and online examination, or contact us at +12064026814 or to bring this training to your organization, in a traditional classroom or virtual-instructor-led setting, or bulk purchases of eLearning, CBT, digital courseware, hardcopy courseware, and examination session seats or vouchers.