
CCC® Foundation Certification

The CCC® Foundation certificate is designed to help all professionals better understand, improve, and orchestrate critical situation decisions, actions and communications through a shared approach, a common language, best practices, continual agile improvement, and regular practices and drills.

The certification will help you to:

  • Understand the CCC® Framework and its fundamental principles, practices, models, and terminology
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of essential critical situation-handling concepts and techniques to your team, organization, and the industry

Target audience

CCC® Foundation certification is suitable for all professionals who may have a hand in preparing for, responding to, and following up in the aftermath of IT CritSits, major business operational issues, and business PR nightmares.

CCC® Foundation has no specific prerequisites.

CCC® Foundation Training

Training courses are available in traditional classroom, virtual instructor-led and self-paced training formats through accredited training organizations. Use our training provider search function to find a training provider in your region.

You can use the CCC® Foundation publication to prepare to pass the CCC® Foundation examination and to support the application of CCC® Foundation concepts.

CCC® Foundation Examination Format

  • One-hour, closed-book, simple multiple-choice examination
  • 40 questions with a pass mark of 26 of 40 (65%)
  • Currently available in English
  • Book your exam